Technical Skills & Knowledge

Media on the Web

Website Development Photo

There are tons of different media types. There can be audio, video, images, etc. The differences in file types can effect how fast a page can be rendered. Nowadays, it can be pretty hard to tell the difference but when the internet was just starting out, even a small image could make the page take minutes.

The Interactive Web

PHP and JavaScript are two commonly used scripting languages that serve different purposes in making web pages interactive. PHP is a server-side scripting language that creates dynamic web pages, while JavaScript is a client-side scripting language that adds interactivity to web pages. PHP works on the server side to generate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code that gets sent to the client-side web browser. It connects to databases, manages sessions, and performs other server-side tasks. In contrast, JavaScript is executed on the client-side browser and manipulates the HTML and CSS code already loaded. JavaScript helps in creating interactive elements such as drop-down menus, pop-up windows, and form validation. It also enables sending and receiving data from a server using AJAX. In summary, PHP is primarily used for server-side scripting, while JavaScript is used for client-side scripting. Both languages have their strengths and can be used together to create dynamic and interactive web pages.

Maintaining a Website

To create a website, you need to plan, implement, host, and maintain it. You should determine the purpose and audience of your website, create content and design, and select a hosting provider and domain name. Hosting costs can vary depending on the provider and level of service. Once your website is live, you need to maintain it, update content, fix broken links, and monitor security. You may also need to purchase software or services for backups, and analytics. Overall, the costs can vary widely depending on the complexity and level of service.