Web Standards, Semantic Code, and Accessibility

Web Standards

Website security is crucial to protect sensitive data and prevent reputational damage, and financial loss. HTTPS protocol encrypts communication between the user’s browser and the website’s server. Strong and unique passwords, regular software updates, and security audits are essential to ensure website security and prevent cyber threats. Working with a trusted security professional can help identify vulnerabilities and provide recommendations for long-term security.

Website Development Photo

Semantic Code

Describe semantic HTML and its impact on accessibility and SEO...


• Web Standards, Semantic Coding, and Web Accessibility are closely related concepts in web design that aim to create web pages that are easy to use, understand, and access for all users. Semantic Coding helps to create well-organized web pages that are easily navigable, while Web Standards ensure that web pages are consistent and compatible with different devices and web browsers. Web Accessibility ensures that web pages are designed with the needs of all users in mind, including those with disabilities. Offering an accessible website is important to ensure equal access to information and services, and to meet legal and ethical responsibilities.